Introducing Lama Taboot
I’m happy to announce Lama Taboot, a new organization that brings together two major threads in my life, Buddhism and Phish.
It’s also an honor (and a pleasure!) to be working with my good friend and three-year retreat brother Lama Mitchell Singletary.
The primary aspect of Lama Taboot is the podcast, available now wherever you get your podcasts. But we’ll also be offering classes, workshops, and discussion groups to connect people to authentic Buddhist teachings in ways that are fun, informal, and feel familiar to them. We are looking for ways to make these teachings accessible and practical first and foremost.
Much more to come but, for now, please follow the podcast, and give us a positive rating and review. Our website is, and our Instagram is @lamataboot.
And, if you’d like to join us for our first program, click “Events” above and check out the “New Year, Know Mind” event set for 4pm January 1st. We’d be happy to see you!