March 26, 2023 - The Buddha established the equality of all beings by our common need to be happy and to avoid suffering. If that’s true, why does it seem like we have so much to argue about? This talk will explore a middle way approach to our emotions. Rather than acting upon or suppressing our feelings, we can listen to what they are telling us—and learn to surf the waves of emotional energy.
January 22, 2023 - The Buddha established the equality of all beings by our common need to be happy and avoid suffering. If that’s true, why does it seem like we have so much to argue about? With the cultivation of mindfulness and patient inquisitiveness, we can reveal the universal needs underneath our words—and those of others—developing a practical means for compassionate communication and common ground.
November 27, 2022 - For many of us, patience means "waiting out" unpleasantness so we can be happy when it's over. But the Buddhist practice of patience means increasing our ability to engage directly with difficult situations while reducing harmful tendencies of reactivity. We’ll discuss some situations that deserve patience, and techniques that can transform them into the path of awakening.
Sept. 25, 2022: The Karma Kagyu is known as the practice lineage, and Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche once said, "No one has ever studied their way to enlightenment". Yet, we know how inspiring those "a-ha!" moments can be when something we read or hear really clicks with us. So how can we balance practice and study in order to achieve our goal of full awakening?
April 3, 2022: The first step toward finding true happiness is to understand suffering. We’ll explore how equality, illusion, and intention can be used to increase genuine happiness.
May 22, 2022: Our lives are a process, fully of change and uncertainty. Forgetting this, we suffer. One method the Buddha taught to help us wake up to our situation was the commitment to doing no harm.
July 17, 2022: Ourselves and everything we experience are both vivd and insubstantial. Fixation on either one alone inevitably leads to suffering. Lasting happiness can be achieved through cultivating stable awareness of the inseparability of vividness and insubstantiality as it aligns our relative view with the way things really are.
January 23rd, 2022: Using the foundational Buddhist meditation of shamata, or calm-abiding, we’ll explore how the simplicity of a meditation session can come along with you throughout your day, positively impacting your experience and everyone around you.
December 26, 2021: Generosity is a primary teaching of the Buddha because it helps us tackle attachment head-on. And, through eliminating attachment, we can overcome suffering.
October 24, 2021: Lama Adam explores ways in which we can support our practice of mindfulness in the course of a single day, with a focus on building strong positive habits.
June 27, 2021: Using Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche’s teaching on the Four Immeasurables from Excellent at the Beginning, Lama Adam talks about our potential to experience the awakened mind, the self-created habitual obscurations which cause our suffering, and the skillful means we can apply to unravel our confusion and unfold our potential.
January 31st, 2021: Lama Adam teaches from a chapter of Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo’s book Into the Heart of Life. This talk explores how attachment is the cause of our suffering, how we can spot attachment by being aware of the eight worldly concerns, and how we can make our lives more workable by cultivating openness and awareness.
July 25, 2021: Lama Adam talks about The Two Truths using a chapter from Kalu Rinpoche’s Luminous Mind. Topics include karma, interdependence, and emptiness.
March 21st, 2021: In Part 1 of a series, Lama Adam focuses on the five aggregates, how our delusion causes us to label them as "I" or an "ego", and the path that can clear away that delusion and reveal our true nature: the Five Buddha Potentials.
May 23rd, 2021: In Part 2 of a series, Lama Adam focuses on the five wisdoms, and how they are revealed by clearing away our delusions about our true nature..